Kirstine Hand

Kirstine Hand is the Project Coordinator of Capability, Confidence and Diversity Initiative at True Relationships and Reproductive Health. Kirstine works to increase awareness of the important role educators and school-based staff play in supporting student wellbeing and how this can be achieved through inclusive practices that are respectful of diversity.
A qualified teacher, Kirstine also works at QUT within the Faculty of Education and is on the committee for Diverse Voices, a non-profit organisation that provides phone and online support to the Queensland LGBTIQ+ community.
Richard Bakker
Richard is the publisher of QNews Magazine, Queensland’s comprehensive LGBTIQ news, entertainment and lifestyle magazine.
A business owner for most of his working life is now actively involved in reviving the LGBTIQ voice in Queensland, Northern Territory and Northern NSW through a range of print and digital media platforms.
Jason Hurst

Jason holds qualifications in investigations and business, with experience in a broad range of community and business organisations. He was a investigator for 21 years before changing careers 10 years ago to run a production company with his life partner of 20+ years.
Jason has previously served on the Pride Business Network and Gay and Lesbian Welfare Assocation committees.
Jason originally started as a volunteer peer supporter with diverse voices in 2013 and remains committed to the welfare of the LGBTIQ+ SB community.

Project Support
Mika is a vibrant, neurodiverse, hearing impaired, multicultural, queer person working in a project support role for Diverse Voices in Meanjin.
She is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ Community, and her passions include Children’s Rights & Safety, Neurodiversity Education, Sexuality, Identity & Gender in queer youths. Mika has an extensive background in Operations Management, Business Development, Communications & Early Childhood Education.
“Young people are always at the centre of what I do, I speak up for our LGBTQIA+ communities so we can feel safe in all spaces & feel confident within ourselves. Creating a brighter and more inclusive future to me looks like access to health related programs and services, and research focus on LGBTQIA people.”
Mika is a vibrant, neurodiverse, hearing impaired, multicultural, queer person working in a project support role for Diverse Voices in Meanjin.
She is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ Community, and her passions include Children’s Rights & Safety, Neurodiversity Education, Sexuality, Identity & Gender in queer youths. Mika has an extensive background in Operations Management, Business Development, Communications & Early Childhood Education.
“Young people are always at the centre of what I do, I speak up for our LGBTQIA+ communities so we can feel safe in all spaces & feel confident within ourselves. Creating a brighter and more inclusive future to me looks like access to health related programs and services, and research focus on LGBTQIA people.”
QLife Peer Supporters
Part Time and Casual
Names not listed for Confidentiality purposes.
Names not listed for Confidentiality purposes.